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Inside The 800

Inside The 800


Lea Wallace

2:00.1 800-meter runner and Olympic Trials Qualifier, Lea Wallace, is no stranger to running two laps of the track as fast as possible. The 800 not only requires strength and speed, but also a savvy racing strategy. Knowing when to go, or when to wait for the moment to strike, means keeping your head calm and focused, even as your heart pounds and legs burn with lactic acid. Being mentally ready to race is as much about what happens on the way to the line as is what happens in those lane lines. Here, Lea shares her race day rituals.

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Pre-race prep at the Hotel

Either the night before or the morning of, I generally lay out everything that I know I will need at the track.

First the needs: 

Spikes, Bib  

Then, everything else.

I like to wear my uniform to the track, I can't forget it if it's already on!

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At the track prep

I always grab a coffee en route.

At the track, I find a shady corner to relax till it's time to warm-up (sometimes I might even drift off for a quick nap). When the nerves start to roll in, I remind myself that race day is a celebration of all of the handwork I've done in practice – an opportunity to test my limits and see the fruits of my labor.  

I don't try to fight the nerves, but channel them into something positive. I'm only nervous because I'm about to do something I care about — 

I get to race. 

I will do a full warm-up: 15 min jog, dynamic exercises, drills, and 4 strides.

Then, I will spike up and use the last 2 strides as a rehearsal for how I intended to “get out” in the race.

At The Course

Toeing the line

I try to take the time here to be thankful.  I like to look at my competition, look at the crowd, the officials, and remind myself that I am to be a good steward of this gift and opportunity I have been given… 

as no day is guaranteed, and any given race could be your last.

Toeing The Line
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First 200

Get out fast, and find your rhythm.

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Middle 400

Maintain — try to distribute your energy as evenly as possible.

when I hit the bell lap… I like to reset my mind, and pretend I haven't already run 400m, — that it's only a 400m race

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Last Turn

I tell myself over and over again to relax, relax, relax.

The last thing you want to do is tighten up before you get into the homestretch.

Last 50m

“Lift. Lift. Lift”

I am trying to match the cadence of whoever I am trying to overcome, using every last bit of energy I have to beat them.  This is where things can get ugly, and painful -- but it doesn't even matter.

Last 50M


This is where I realize how crazy I am for racing the 800m — 

as I wallow around on the grass in pain for the next 10 mins.

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